Commission Info

Commissions are open indefinitely.
Meaning that I will not close them at all.
Please contact me on any of my social media via DMs or just comment under my post if DMs do not work. I will reply back to you as soon as I'm able.
Commission will be based on a waiting list system.


  • This is one of the most important rules: please let me know if you can't pay me. Be it you found a different artist, or you just don't have the money, or something else. My issue is that multiple people have DMed me who said they are interested to commission me and they never say anything after I have messaged them back. If this happens and I don't hear from you within the week I am blocking you.


  • Payment first, drawing later

  • Commissioner will be put on a waiting list once the money has been sent through

  • All commissions will be taken through PayPal (invoice system) / Cash App NO EXCEPTIONS. If you can't pay through either of those means please find a different artist

  • Once the payment goes through there will be no refund unless there's a mistake with the transaction

  • please describe your commission to the best of your ability. It's really hard for me to draw for someone else if I don't have any guidelines, so saying "Do whatever you want" is not always the best response for me. I want at least one specific detail.

  • Do not repost or resell a commission piece, the image belongs to the commissioner only

  • The commissioner has full reign to use their commission for personal use, however, I still need credit for the original piece. "Credit to the original artist" is not proper credit, please link any of my social media if you want to repost it.

  • In addition to this commissioners who repost my art please repost the image WITH THE WATERMARK

  • The commissioner is not to resell any of my commission work unless we discussed to split the payment.


  • "Where can I contact you?"

  • Now that I have a carrd all of my social media is now located in one place and is organized. Social media that I can be contacted on includes my Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, TikTok, and, Discord (ask in DMs for this one) you can find all of them on the homepage. If for whatever reason you can't access my DMs just comment on a piece of Art that I've done and I'll contact you as soon as I see it.

  • What programs do you use?

  • Clip Studio Paint and Ibis Paint X

  • "Can you draw a logo?"

  • I'm a character illustrator, not a graphic designer. Please ask me to draw a character.

  • "Can you replicate "X" style?"

  • I can. The issue is that I can only imitate the Pokemon art style for human characters. This is still in a test run phase as I'm still trying to get a hold of the older art style. But other than that I can't replicate anything else.


  • Will Draw

  • Original content/characters

  • Humans/Humanoids

  • Furries

  • Fan characters

  • Self inserts

  • Canon characters

  • Maybe (my answer will vary)

  • Complex designs

  • Blood / Gore

  • Nudity

  • Will not draw

  • NSFW/fetish

  • Mechs

  • Realism

  • Logos/graphic design

  • Anything that promotes hate speech pedophilia and the like